Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular television actor who gained fame for her part in The Walking Dead's horror-drama, The Walking Dead. Madison Lintz became a famous child actress in 2010s for her performance as Sophia Peletier, a character in the popular TV show The Walking Dead. The little girl won an Young Artist Award for her role on an TV Series as a supporting young actress. She was born to an actress mother. Madison was in the spotlight and glamor of the world of showbiz early on. She was introduced by her mother to acting when the girl was just seven years old. It took a short amount of time for her to progress into an accomplished performer. She literally grew up prior to the cameras. Her first commercial career was in the making. Her name first came to light for her commercials when one she performed for Golden Corral were broadcasted across America. As a young girl of 11 old she was selected to portray the character of Sophia in the television series T...